vendredi 12 juin 2009

Potatoes party

Écrit le vendredi 12 juin 2009 by Unknown

Lost in translation.... Sorry, i m speed !!!

Two moon !!! It's now tow moon i didn't give some news on the website...

After Kangaroo island, we came back into Adelaide, it's time to work. After few call, , we find a job on Nildottie. 150Km from Adélaïde !!! Here we go !!!

For the last holiday's hours, we go closed to the Adélaide beach. We meet Phillip, a german guy. He travel alone with his own four wheel drive...

Saturday afternoon, we decide to drive for Nildottie but the car don't want to start. Some australian people comme and try to help us. All of them have these own solution but there nothing to do. Unfortunately, it's easter day so all the garage are close until tuesday.

The solution : RAA, car insurance. They help you everywhere at every hours... and you just pay a plan for the years (it will be important for the next post)

Two moons! These are two moons, which I no write some news on the blog ... it is the fault to internet access... 

After Kangaroo Island, back to Adelaide, we stock ... it is time to find a job. After a few days and a few phone calls, I have a track for Nildottie. A glance at a map .. It is 150 km of Adelaide ! Here we go !! 

To celebrate, we'll settle on the beach, where we met Phillip, a German guy who is traveling alone in a 4x4 ... 

Saturday, late afternoon, we decided to take the road to Nildottie ... impossible to start the van. On this busy place, many Australians come to help us, everyone with his own version ... from the most optimistic to the most pessimistic, but in order to help us. After a few hours to try to restart the van doing ritual dances around the van ! Nothing to do. It starts the long Easter weekend, all garages are closed until Tuesday. 

THE solution, RAA, car insurance ... take care of you everywhere, all the time at any time and all this package for a year (this is important for the next post). 

Anyway, the sunday, we visit a park, leaving phillip, perhaps we will see him in Perth.

On the road, the landscape is gradually changing and becoming more desert ... there are fewer village, house ... after a long road we reach Nildottie ... (That almost missed!) 

Nildottie small village, very few people over a large area. 

Monday morning 6:00 am to remove the job, a holiday (I didn't understand me, I do not know who I am or what kind of world I live arghhhh!) 

The job: to elect the best potatoes for making chips (smith, it does exist in France?) 

Tuesday morning, I take my position at a table (the main table), potatoes parade (very fast) on a treadmill ... the game is to catch the less beautiful ... and throw them on another mat for animals. 10 hours, the break, I get seasick in force to see and pass the potatoes do not look the other way my brain starts to feel bad. My goal: to change position ... 

The election to miss potato chips: 

Not obvious to miss, and even less in the potatoes, the selection is tough! 

Out of the truck, the potato takes a whirlpool, just for clean them. they climbed on the "Table Rock", here, we remove the stones and potatoes that are good for nothing ... 

The first selection is finished, the potatoes are sent carefully in a huge washer 5métres long for a facial pilling. They arrived in the superwasher " where they take a shower of chlorine to the radiance of complexion! 

The second selection is beginning on « Grinde table » that size potato ... too small, it is not the norm: 60-90-60 ... 

Anyway, here is the worst third selection, the jury, the main table. 12 hands choose, select, cast, put in the waste the potatoes. The selection was tough before the big trip to the factory chips. 

There is also a contest for the best small potatoes, but it is on a table a little more confidence ... with only 4 hands jury! 

In short, exciting! In any case, this time to sort the potatoes leaving everything entertainment in mind to travel, dream, meditate wander ... 

We moved into a campground on the river, good when the weather is beautiful. So the first week ... yes, while you begin to see the days lengthen and the weather improves ... Winter arrived here with a lot of humidity and cool night and raised his black robe on the bush to 5:45 pm. We lived in the Robinson Crusoe for over a month taking showers with river water and making fires to roast our potatoes 10kilo week. We shared the luxury with two other German backpacker, Guido and Robert, who worked two weeks at the factory. It was good moments! 

Other meetings with the team managers have made some nice holidays ... sacred team. A Scottish chef, an old backpacker, a quality manager Irish potatoes (pronounce Eoghan Owen), and Richard the manager machine repairman! a small fun team! 

By dint of cunning and tricks or to work hard (for you to see), I was promoted to head in for the "Table Rock" ... Finally, a position that changed, I finally saw the day! 

I sortbrocks and clay that I do some small people ! But in truth, my position was with a walkie-talkie to manage the speed of the belt, leaving the truck, the whirlpool to send enough potatoes on the table selection. It was therefore necessary that I speak English potato ... especially as I understand (from the accent and background noise and hearing my side, it was not won). All very well, and my post was not very tiring compared to the dump truck (the potato is shy and asks for help to get out of the truck). 

Again, there was way to have fun, I started to surf the potato Nildottie! 

After a month in the factory, and an imminent hiring, Cecile and I recommend his two shares for future work ... A week later, they landed in their 4X4 to participate in the selection of potatoes. At the same time, thanks to Cécile and co, we started a second job in lettuce ... where we met a very nice Australian with whom to share a few evenings. We also enjoyed the weekend to visit the valley Barrossa reputed for its wine and tasting! 

The weather became very cold, we all migrated in a large house belonging to Heather and Ned! This house, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fields, fields, fields, and a small orange! The house has its permanent tenants: Eoghan, the quality leader, a sheep that is taken for a human and a kangaroo home parkinsonnien! 

Heather works in the factory to the position of the "main table" for some years. The time spent in this house was very pleasant, warm, hot showers, good food prepared by each of us. Ned, we gave a tour of his land that stretch endlessly in Australia, how shave a sheep, how to make home sausages (beef and sheep intestine for the envelope) - excellent -- 

Time shared with Heather, Ned and 4 friends for a meal prepared by Heather remain in fond memories of Nildottie. We were able to enjoy home-made food and whiskey manufactured by Ned - also excellent -- 

The last days in this village were rather restless nights with our substitutes and in our head ... Australians love drinking games ... 4pm start of the festivities after visiting a site Aboriginal. 

End of work, after farewell to the premises and after a few thousand caster potatoes, we take the road to Adelaide, before spinning right in Flinders ranges ... but that's another story!

Rien à l'horizon pour "Potatoes party"